  • 2023年湖南成人学位英语易错题型分析



    在英语里,我们可以用两种方法转述人的话语。种是直接引语(The Direct Speech);第二种是间接引语(The Indirect Speech),也可叫("The Reported Speech")。

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    ① a. He said, "I am working now."

    b. He said that he was working then.

    ② a. She asked me, "Do you like to sing?"

    b. She asked me if I liked to sing.

    ③ a. "Go out!" the man said to the boy.

    b. The man ordered the boy to go out.



    ④ He said that he would come tomorrow.

    这里的副词"tomorrow"要变成"the next day"。理由是:间接引语里的时间副词或短语, 一般上要把其中的时间向前推,如:tomorrow:the next day;today: that day;last night:the night before;now:then;ago:before that time等。

    ⑤ I asked what is wrong with him.

    这里的"is"要变成"was"。须知:主句"I asked"和分句"what is wrong with him"的动词时态必须配合。既然主句的动词"asked"是过去时态,分句的动词也要过去时态"was"。此外,动词时态一般上也要推前,因此简单过去时态(Simple Past Tense)要变成过去完成时态(Past Perfect Tense),如:went :had gone;left: had left.

    ⑥ John told her don't do that again.

    这里的"don't do"要变成"not to do"才对。理由是:祈使句变成间接引语时的形式是不定式动词:"to + verb / not to + verb",如:to come / not to come;to do / not to do.

    ⑦ She asked me where was I going.

    这里的"was I"词序不对, 要变成"I was"才是,因为间接疑问句(indirect question)里的词序和叙述句一样,是正常词序,不是倒装法,如:

    ⑧ He wanted to know who that girl was.

    ⑨ John asked Helen if she was free.

    ⑩ She asked me whether I could help her.


    ...who was that girl.

    ...if was she free.

    ...whether could I help her.

    关于间接疑问句,还有一点必须注意的是,直接疑问句里的疑问词要照用, 如例⑧的"who"。如果没有疑问词,就要借重连接词"if"或"whether"之助,如例⑨和⑩便是。

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