

发布时间:2023-11-16 11:37   已关注:22 人





你好;拉夫堡*好些;拉夫堡的交互设计仅次于伦艺的时装*哟; College of / 伦艺-伦敦**MA DESIGN 学制:15个月费用:17230 英镑/年语言:总分分,单科不低于分作品集: should submit an portfolio via web link (or CD/USB) with their . The portfolio can be supplied as a PDF with links to a minimum of five web projects and media assets, and should show examples of each of the following:/media work, either time-based or .Visual work that has been made in response to a design brief from either education or practice. Self-initiated projects are also . / 拉夫堡*MA User Design学制:1年费用:18950 英镑/年语言:雅思总分不低于,单科不低于作品集:MA User Design entry are a 1st or 2:1 relevant Honours degree. Most have a design but we consider students from a range of relevant to User Design (including , computer science, business studies). For those not able to provide a portfolio it is important that your personal statement explains your interest in User Design.若有更多艺术留学问题欢迎关注微信公众号“艺术逗比圈”或留言咨询